Давно уже заслушал до дыр эту пластинку. Совершенно ни на что не похожие мелодии, очень своеобразный и замысловатый стиль у группы. Сайк-фолк с джазовыми вкраплениями. Группа и Нью-Йорка? распалась после записи первой пластинки, а жаль.. Далее будет серия постов посвященных одному автору.
A New York band who recorded just one album. All the tracks were composed by group leader Barbour, who came originally from Canton, Ohio. Musically their album is soft, intricate psych with a few more intense tracks also included. Most notable is Dr. Roots Garden, which has an early "Floydish" feel to it, whilst the album as a whole has a very strange sound that is exceptionally unique with beautiful clear female vocals.~Fuzz, Acid and Flowers
It is thought that mono copies of the album were DJ only. Price guides tend to list these as worth less than stereo copies but in fact they are 20 times harder to locate!
Barbour had at least one of his later songs recorded by Martha Velez. Dahaud Elias Shaar went on to play drums with Van Morrison first appearing on his His Band And The Street Choir album. He is also the drummer on the live It's Too Late To Stop Now and Veedon Fleece releases. Paul Album also played with Fear Itself.
1 What will become of the morning
2 Lacewing
3 Cynthia Gerome
4 April Grove
5 Father's Getting Old
6 30 Poplar
7 Baby, let me show you where i live
8 Fitzpatrick Swanson
9 Lake Hope
10 Piece of Sun
11 Summer In Your Savage Eyes
12 Dr Root's Garden
bitrate/битрейт 320Kbps
artwork included
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