Музыкант, аранжировщик, продюсер и экспериментатор Енох Лайт издал несметное количество записей в различных музыкальных жанрах и однажды я обстоятельно займусь их изучением. А пока что предлагаю вам оценить эту пластинку, состоящую из оркестровых обработок популярнейших хитов всех времен и народов, таких авторов как Джон Леннон, Барт Бахарах, Иоганн Себастьян Бах и пр. 4-ый трек - одна из лучших версий G on the air string с невероятным атмосферным саундом. Рекомендую.
Да, Енох известен так же как отец "пинг-понг" эффекта, так что не удивляйтесь если у вас вдруг заиграет только в одном ухе :)
Quite possibly the grooviest album ever from Enoch Light – a trippy blend of many 60s styles, all put together with sublime Project 3 Sound! The album's billed as featuring "exploratory trips through the music of Bach, Bacharach, the Beatles – Integrating the Moog, the Guitar Scene, Electronic Harpsichord, Flugelhorns, etc" – and it definitely lives up to that bill, given the range of songs included! Rhythms are strong, and the use of sweetly compressed horn parts is very much in an A&M mode – as is the backing vocals, which are light and wonderful – a bit like Free Design, but more towards the territory of Singers Unlimited, although even groovier. The Beatles and Bacharach material is especially great – but even the Bach tunes come out wonderfully, given that most are re-arranged with a hip 60s soundtrack sort of groove – classical roots, but contemporary execution – especially when there's a bit of moog or electric harpsichord. Titles include "Walk On By", "Norweigan Wood", "What The World Needs Now", "Get Back", "Bond Street", "Petite Paulette", "My Silent Song", and "Lover's Concerto".
1. Bond Street (Burt Bacharach)
2. Lover's Concerto (Denny Randall - Sandy LInzer)
3. Knowing When To Leave (Burt Bacharach - Hal David)
4. My Silent Song (D. Lieb - E. Drake)
5. Walk On By (Burt Bacharach - Hal David)
6. Eleanore Rigby (John Lennon - Paul McCartney)
7. A Little Fugue For You and Me (D. Lieb adapted from J.S. Bach)
8. Norwegian Wood (John Lennon - Paul McCartney)
9. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (John Lennon - Paul McCartney)
10.What the World Needs Now Is Love (Burt Bacharach - Hal David)
11.Pretty Paulette (D. Lieb adapted from J.S. Bach)
12.Get Back (John Lennon - Paul McCartney)
bitrate/битрейт 320Kbps
artwork included