Кондовый оркестрованный фолк-рок. Слушать этот альбом очень приятно - скрипы и шорохи запиленного винила, с которого, видимо, сделан рип, вносят дополнительную изюминку и создают эффект более полного погружения в год 1966-ой. Алмьюзик Гид пишет что записи похожи на творчество Саймона и Гарфанкела и я склонен согласиться с этим суждением - только второго вокала не хватает.
Википедия пишет что Боб Линд ушел со сцены еще в 1969 году и занялся писательством. Инетерсно было бы почитать. Но не суть..
Приятного погружения :)
Overdubbing recordings with pop/rock instrumentation to make them more commercial was a mini-vogue of sorts as the folk-rock boom peaked. The most famous example was Simon & Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence," but there were more infamously and exploitative releases, as in the overdubs of some early Richie Havens tapes and, in the case of The Elusive Bob Lind, early Bob Lind efforts. After "Elusive Butterfly" became a smash, Verve got a previously unreleased tape that Lind had done prior to signing with World Pacific, and overdubbed electric instruments, drums, and orchestration. Lind, understandably and justifiably, was not pleased about its appearance. He also could not have been pleased that, despite the use of the title The Elusive Bob Lind, the LP did not include "Elusive Butterfly." Whatever strength and appeal the tapes might have held were often undercut by the overdubs, which (as they had to a lesser extent on the Havens albums) were sometimes out of sync with the original vocal and acoustic guitar. Actually, this mixture of Lind originals and folk covers (including "The Times They Are A-Changin'") has some sporadic dated period charm, the oddball string arrangements mixing with basic tentative folk-rock rhythm sections. Too, Lind's singing and songwriting is not much different than what you hear on his early World Pacific recordings, though it's more innocuous and, at times, indebted to the early-'60s troubadour folk approach. It was certainly a mistake, however, to include "What Color Are You?," an incredibly clunky commentary on racism that one hopes was an out-of-hand joking studio improvisation never seriously intended for public ears.~ Richie Unterberger, All Music Guide
1. Fennario
2. Wandering
3. The Times They Are A-Changin’
4. Black Night
5. White Snow
6. Cool Summer
7. Hey Nellie, Nellie
8. The Swan
9. What Color Are You?
10.Gold Mine Blues
11.Hard Road
bitrate/битрейт 192Kbps
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