Хотел в честь блумсдэя запостить что-нибудь ирландское, но ничего у себя не нашел. Стал искать что-нибудь еврейское, но тут уже дело было и вовсе безнадежное. Придется удовлетвориться просто отличным сайк-поповым альбомом.
Не стал выкачивать с трекера издание с моно-версиями ибо влом да и не вижу особого смысла. Так или иначе с праздничком вас господа маргиналы, аутсайдеры, литературоведы и примкнувшие..
Begin is the only album ever released by the collective known as The Millennium during its lifetime (though there have been several compilations since the group's demise).~ Wikipedia know
Begin has gained notoriety throughout the years as being the most expensive album that Columbia Records had released by that time, though critics generally agree that the money was well spent. It is now generally considered to be a classic of sunshine pop.
Begin has been reissued numerous times throughout the years, despite the extremely poor sales of the original release, and has been reissued in three different configurations on CD. The 1990 reissue featured truncated cover art, but included brief interviews with several band members in the liner notes and both sides of a rare promotional single, "Just About The Same" b/w "Blight". A later reissue featured the single versions of several tracks from the album. The most recent reissue of the album is as the third CD in the three-disc set Magic Time, released by Sundazed Records in 2001. It features all of the bonus tracks from the two previous versions, but "Just About The Same" and "Blight" are presented in mono, whereas they were presented in their original stereo mixes on the 1990 release.
01. Prelude
02. To Claudia On Thursday
03. I Just Want To Be Your Friend
04. 5 A.M.
05. I'm With You
06. Island
07. Sing To Me
08. It's You
09. Some Sunny Day
10. It Won't Always Be The Same
11. Know It All
12. Karmic Dream Sequence #1
13. There Is No More To Say
14. Anthem
15. Just About The Same
16. Blight
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