Музыкант, аранжировщик, продюсер и экспериментатор Енох Лайт издал несметное количество записей в различных музыкальных жанрах и однажды я обстоятельно займусь их изучением. А пока что предлагаю вам оценить эту пластинку, состоящую из оркестровых обработок популярнейших хитов всех времен и народов, таких авторов как Джон Леннон, Барт Бахарах, Иоганн Себастьян Бах и пр. 4-ый трек - одна из лучших версий G on the air string с невероятным атмосферным саундом. Рекомендую.
Да, Енох известен так же как отец "пинг-понг" эффекта, так что не удивляйтесь если у вас вдруг заиграет только в одном ухе :)
Quite possibly the grooviest album ever from Enoch Light – a trippy blend of many 60s styles, all put together with sublime Project 3 Sound! The album's billed as featuring "exploratory trips through the music of Bach, Bacharach, the Beatles – Integrating the Moog, the Guitar Scene, Electronic Harpsichord, Flugelhorns, etc" – and it definitely lives up to that bill, given the range of songs included! Rhythms are strong, and the use of sweetly compressed horn parts is very much in an A&M mode – as is the backing vocals, which are light and wonderful – a bit like Free Design, but more towards the territory of Singers Unlimited, although even groovier. The Beatles and Bacharach material is especially great – but even the Bach tunes come out wonderfully, given that most are re-arranged with a hip 60s soundtrack sort of groove – classical roots, but contemporary execution – especially when there's a bit of moog or electric harpsichord. Titles include "Walk On By", "Norweigan Wood", "What The World Needs Now", "Get Back", "Bond Street", "Petite Paulette", "My Silent Song", and "Lover's Concerto".~ dustygroove.com
1. Bond Street (Burt Bacharach)
2. Lover's Concerto (Denny Randall - Sandy LInzer)
3. Knowing When To Leave (Burt Bacharach - Hal David)
4. My Silent Song (D. Lieb - E. Drake)
5. Walk On By (Burt Bacharach - Hal David)
6. Eleanore Rigby (John Lennon - Paul McCartney)
7. A Little Fugue For You and Me (D. Lieb adapted from J.S. Bach)
8. Norwegian Wood (John Lennon - Paul McCartney)
9. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (John Lennon - Paul McCartney)
10.What the World Needs Now Is Love (Burt Bacharach - Hal David)
11.Pretty Paulette (D. Lieb adapted from J.S. Bach)
12.Get Back (John Lennon - Paul McCartney)
bitrate/битрейт 320Kbps
artwork included
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