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Вашему вниманию предлагается прогрессив-фолк-псих-арт бэнд из бирмингема Tea and Symphony с первым альбомом An Asylum For The Musically Insane и с самым лучшим на мой взгляд треком на альбоме "Terror In My Soul"
Сумасшедшая музыка с нереальным драйвом. Кто бы мог подумать что такое возможно сыграть на аккустической гитаре. Вокалист(он кстати и актёр театра по совместительству) поёт очень драматично, до мурашек по коже. Инструментарий кстати не ограничивается аккустическими гитарами не подумайте чего :) весь джентельменский набор присутствует и даже оркестровки, но звук тем не менее сырой, кустарный.
Often placed in the acid psych bin but although in places the album does sound in that catergory it is progressive as well. A lot of acoustic guitar is used throughout these tunes with a mixture of keyboards. Eccentric could be used to describe the style of this album.~ Matthew T from progarchives.com
Armchair Theatre is the 1st track on this album and could be described best as something that seems to be from the 1930's in places with a blues vaudeville sound which takes a more modern approach to the end of the tune with a Kazzo used in places.Feel How Cool the Wind is the 2nd tune with a slow dreamy feel and with what sounds like wind in the background primarily over acoustic guitar with keyboards . Why I am listing tracks in order because there is a far amount of variation and styles used throughout as with the next song Sometime is another Acid folk tune and shows the vocals employed throughout with which were sung with different band members at the same time in unison or used as an echo effect with the backing vocals. Track 4 Maybe My Mind( With Egg) has the strangest title and is very acid in texture. Blues influence is present on this album with folk as with the following track The Come On. The last track 9 would be considered Avante Garde for me and the song leads in with a flute intro and a Keyboard sounding like a Harpsichord, the tune at the start and end remind me of Peter Hammil but that is about as far as it goes and the tune quickly goes to a keyboard ( piano) solo and then the Avante Garde seems to appear.
All in all a very interesting listen that takes time to appreciate but the reward is there with a bit of peserverance. I will admit with my first listen of this album the response was Ehhhhh but give it another go and enjoy what really is something you will not hear anywhere else. Original and different and that most likely is the reason this album did not sell well back then. Great cover as well.
1. Armchair Theatre (3:55)
2. Feel How So Cool The Wind (3:19)
3. Sometime (4:16)
4. Maybe My Mind (With Egg)(3:44)
5. The Come On (4:32)
6. Terror In My Soul (6:08)
7. Travelling Shoes (4:27)
8. Winter (3:19)
9. Nothing Will Come To Nothing (6:15)
bitrate/битрейт 320Kbps
7 коммент.:
Оооо, да. Сорвало крышу прошлым летом. Престраннейшая музыка, однако, невероятно цепляющая. Нашёл, если не ошибаюсь, как раз по "давнему посту в жж" вашему. Так что запоздалое (на год) спасибо :D
Пожалуйста :)
а то! :)
А не встречалось ли вам что-нибудь такое же безбашенное?
к сожалению, ничего на вскидку не припомню
А я вот нашел... Comus'ом зовётся. Сложно описать, как звучит, но не менее странно, чем Tea & Symphony. Так что будет время - послушайте)
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